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Luke Skywalker

he was the son of aniken Skywalker and was first trained by obi wan kenobi but later due to his death he was trained by master yoda and he killed his father or darth vader

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Master yoda

he was the most powerful jedi in the jedi order and he once face darth sidious or chansleer palpetine and he was the former master of count dooku and he trained luke skywalker and was successful in preserving his sprit and becoming a jedi ghost

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Obi Wan Kenobi

he was the master of aniken skywalker and the appretice of qui gon jinn he tried to kill aniken skywalker but he survived and he cut darth maul into half he also was the master of luke skywalker and was killed by darth vader/p>

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Qui Gon Jinn

he was the master of obi wan kenobi and also of aniken skywalker before he was killed by darth maul

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Mace Windu

he was the wisetst jedi in the whole jedi councle he had a very rare lightsaber of purple colour and he tried to kill chansleer palpetine but was killed by aniken sky walker

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Rey Skywalker

she was the last know jedi of the jedi order and was the granddaughter of sith lord emperor palpetine and luke skywalker was her master

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Ahsoka Tano

she was the padwan of aniken skywalker and she had a light saber of white colur but she left the jedi order